Manuscripts don’t burn

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Upcoming events

  • Club verbal Discharge

    04.04 7:00-11:00PM

    VD71 has us moving to a Friday night. Last month we had a full house and this month we have Brian Kelly’s bday! Tis gonna be another brilliant night of readings, performance and high-jinx at the Queens Larder, Holborn.

  • Literary Free For ALL

    Closing 23.02

    The Insurgent Press and All Good Bookshop have teamed up to provide an opportunity for young creative writers. The competition is open to 5-18 year olds.

    You can win: publication, £20 book voucher, an attendance at an All Good Bookshop Event to celebrate.

    On the judges are: children's author Nicola Penfold, some writers from Insurgent Press, and members of the bookshop team.

  • VD East

    20.03 7:00 -11:00pm

    VDE9 sees us starting our montly residency at The Horns of Plenty. Levi will be reading from his granddad’s war journal, Hope will be reading something gothic, God knows what Brian will do!

Insurgent Academy

Harness the Unexpected WITH Alexandra Leidinger

our story

We are an independent publishing press that walks like The Clash and Sings like The Supremes. Run by writers for writers we are coming out of London Town.

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